Digital Literacy Update

Computational Thinking Challenge

The majority of students are now working on the final project for Unit 1. In this project students are using the 4 phases of computational thinking (decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms) to break down a DIY Youtube video into a Google Slide that teachers others how to make the object in the video.

Due Dates:

7th and 8th Grade: Friday March 22nd

6th Grade: Friday March 29th

If student’s need extra help. I am available to stay after on Tuesdays and Thursdays or I encourage them to see me during extended homeroom.


I’ve updated Powerschool with current grades for assignments in unit 1.

70% of the final grade is based on evidence of competency or an imported average of assignments in each unit stored in Moodle.

Individual assignment grades are stored in the Moodle Gradebook.

The Moodle gradebook can be accessed by logging into Fabled Learning Moodle and using the Google button with your student’s Gmail accounts. If you need this information, please email me.