November: Update 1

It’s the first week of November and quarter one is complete!

Report Cards are out.

Since, quite a few students had just finished their Computational Thinking Slideshows I decided to only include grades from Unit 1 on this report card. Unit 2, 3, 4, maybe 5 and 6 (if we get to them) will go toward the quarter 2 report card.

Grades for individual assignments are hosted in Moodle. I keep track of work habits grades (30% of final grade) and input the average for units/competencies (worth 70% of their final grade).

Weekly Assignments:

This week students should be at least halfway complete with Unit 2 Safety and Security. With the Input and Storage Phase due by Friday. Most students are over half way complete with some already onto the next level.

Here are the assignments:

(You will need to sign into Moodle with your students Gmail account to view.)



Curriculum Advisory Presentation:

On Monday I gave a presentation to the Curriculum Advisory Committee giving an overview of the course. Here is a copy of the presentation:

Sneak Peek:

Next week students should be completing Unit 2: Safety and Security and moving on to Unit 3: Intro to Scratch where they will be introduced to Scratch, a digital tool used to make block-based programs. At the end of this mini-unit, students will have enough Scratch knowledge to collaboratively design and build a program that can teach others about some of the concepts we are learning in class.

Image result for scratch